WRO – Week of 21 Mar 22

Issued by Capt C. Bowman, Commanding Officer


  1. There are still outstanding Annual Validation Forms that need to be returned ASAP. If there are no changes to your cadets file, respond to the email with “No Changes”.
  2. The Cadet program has its own mask policy in place; all cadets and visitors must wear a mask in order to enter the building.

Parade Night – Tonight (in-person)

Please note the following Public Health Measures:

  1. Cadets, staff, volunteers, and visitors must complete the Ontario In-School
    screening, with a favourable result, before attending:
  2. All cadets, staff, volunteers, and visitors must wear a surgical, N95, or KN95 mask.
    We have extra surgical masks on the counter at the front door;
  3. 2 metre physical distancing and room occupancy limitations are still in effect;
  4. Cadets are no longer required to show vaccination status; and,
  5. We ask that all parents/guardians/visitors do not go past the entryway without
    prior permission from an Officer. A staff member will be available in the Orderly
    room for questions.
Cadet DressFTUs
CAF Member DressCADPAT
Duty OfficerCapt Norio
Duty NCOFCpl chosen by SWO
Admin OJT
Training OJT
Supply OJTAny available Sgt and above

Awards, Promotions, Appointments

Enjoy your week,

Capt C. Bowman
Commanding Officer
87 Eagle Squadron
Strive for Excellence!

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