Weekend FTX modified due to weather


This weekend has been forecasted to be wet and cold, with possible snow on Sunday. Due to this being the first FTX in 2 years, and with lack of shelter for the cadets, we are modifying what is happening this weekend.

Instead of a 2 day FTX, we are going with our contingency plan of indoor training on Saturday only. This heavily changes how we can safely run the day, as everyone will be indoors, so please see the following schedule.

FTX is now a Range Day on Saturday

We will be running indoor range (marksmanship) in cohorts by level. Please see the list below to determine when you need to be at the cadet hall. Arrive no later than your scheduled start time and be prepared to wait in your vehicle as cadets will not be permitted into the hall until their start time.

0830—1000hrs: Level 2
1000—1200hrs: Level 3
1230—1600hrs: Level 1
1600—1800hrs: Level 4

Level 5s: We are asking you to be there during the day to help (and shoot throughout the day); see Teams for details.

Other details

Dress: FTUs or civilian clothing (we will be indoors)
Bring: Health card, water bottle, proof of vaccination, completed screening, mask
Screening: Complete the screening and bring in the result (or show on your phone): https://covid-19.ontario.ca/school-screening/

Enjoy the weekend,

Capt C. Bowman
Commanding Officer

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