Trivia Night Update and Request

Squadron Sponsoring Committee Message;

As you are aware we are seeking donations (door prizes and silent auction prizes) for our upcoming Trivia Night on Saturday March 7, 2020.  The Parent Sponsoring Committee will be distributing a donation letter signed by Captain Chris Bowman on Wednesday night in hopes of enlisting community support (also attached to this post). If you have a door prize or silent auction item please see Natalie Foster before Wednesday February 19, 2020.

The Parent Sponsoring Committee has also requested each cadet bring in one bag of chips to aid in our fundraising efforts.  All unused bags of chips will be returned to the squadron for use at future cadet events.

Trivia Nights tickets will also be available to purchase on Wednesdays before cadets.  If you are interested in purchasing a table or an individual ticket please see Natalie or Robert Foster.

Thank you for your continued support.  Together, we can make this fundraiser a huge success.

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