Reminders for Tomorrow

Tomorrow is a mandatory event for all cadets. The weekend will be full of practicing marksmanship on the range, studying aviation topics, and having fun.

Location: 87 LHQ
Drop-off: Saturday at 0730hrs
Pickup: Sunday at 1200hrs
Dress: Civis (cadet appropriate)
Bring: Health card, water bottle, hot coffee mug, sleeping gear, air mattress (optional), toiletries, change of clothes for Sunday, etc. See kit list for all details.
Note: Eat breakfast before you come on Saturday. You will be fed lunch and dinner on Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday.

Level 1s: Bring 2 litre plastic water bottles.

Make sure to bring your signed permission forms or have your parent/guardian come in to sign one.

Have a good night,

Capt C. Bowman

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