Introducing: Virtual CTC Courses – 🔥 Registration Opens June 29th 🔥


Just announced from National Cadets: Cadets will have the opportunity to participate in flexible, voluntary training opportunities either independently at their own pace or in facilitated sessions. This summer will be about engagement and flexibility while continue to focus on the cadet experience:

5-weeks of summer training activities

What: Cadets will be able to take five weeks of distance learning activities during the summer, for about two to three hours per week.

Choices: The choice of the 22 activities are listed on the Cadet Learning Facebook Group. (Also attached)

Registration opens: Monday, 29 June at 1100hrs EST and will be filled on a first come, first serve basis.

To register: Cadets will need to send an email to their Regional Cadet Support Unit (RCSU) at with the following information:

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Corps / Squadron Number (87)
  • Corps / Squadron element (Air)
  • Name of the activity you wish to register for.
  • Dates of serial you wish to register for.
  • The language you would like the activity delivered in;
  • Phone number (will be use as a second factor authentication for your online account)
  • A email address that the cadet has access to; and
  • Instrument selection for cadets registering for the music course

Important: Cadets’ email must send from their personal email address or an email that they can access.  A parent email, that the cadet cannot access, should not be used.

Acceptance: Cadets will be contacted once they are loaded on an activity, and provided instructions on how to log in to the learning tools required to participate in the activity.


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