Weekly Training Orders for the Week of May 21

Good work last night everyone, we have 2 more Wednesday evening practices until the big parade, and your hard work is showing! The LT last night was very impressed with the Advance and Review Order!

As always, please read the Weekly Training Orders below carefully:

1. Annual Dinner Tickets – Last chance to buy them on Wednesday

There will NOT be any dinner tickets sold at the door; we need to know numbers by next Wednesday to purchase food. See Mrs. Kalenuik, SSC Chair, at the Parents Table on Wednesday to purchase tickets ($15 for adults, $8 for cadets and children under 12).

2. Drill Team Tuesday @1900-2030hrs

3. Parade Night Wednesday

4. Annual Static Displays

Groups have already been assigned, and topics chosen. All displays are due in 2 weeks (Wednesday BEFORE Annual) to be graded by the Officers. There will not be anytime to work on them at cadets, so plan to get together with your group outside of cadets.

5. Sr NCOs – Be prepared to plan Dynamic Displays on Wednesday

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