Message from the Squadron Sponsoring Committee

Good evening everyone,

A couple of major items that are upcoming from 87 Eagle’s Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC).

SSC? The SSC is a non-profit organization made up of parents (past and present) of our cadets, that volunteer there own time to manage and maintain our LHQ, fundraise for LHQ and other expenses not covered by the Department of National Defence, and help with cadet training.

Bacon is Back! Big Red Meat Fundraiser, orders due Thurs Nov 25

This fundraiser supports the Welland Air Cadets. COVID has made this a primary source of fundraising. Your much needed support is greatly appreciated!

The order will be placed on Thursday Nov 25 9am

With pick up (in Service) on Friday Nov 26, from 4-8pm

Download Order Form:

Order pick-up must be Friday Nov 26 between 4-8pm at Canadian Tire (Welland) Auto Service. We do not have storage.

Please see Rob Foster at Canadian Tire in Service with your order and full payment. Cheques can be made payable to Robert Foster who is administrating this fundraiser. Post dated cheques will be refused.

Cadet Information Package

The SSC has put together an important letter for all parents and guardians to read. Please download the following PDF.

Thank you, have a great evening,

The Squadron Sponsoring Committee

This weeks Parade Night postponed


As announced last week, we are currently on stand down due to rising COVID numbers in Niagara, Specifically, when looking at point prevalence of active cases per 100,000 people.

Until cases come down, or direction changes, our orders are to stand down in-person training.

With that said, this weeks Wednesday Parade night is postponed. We are working with the senior cadets and staff to determine what virtual training would look like before returning to in-person.

We hope this is a very temporary measure. Until then, be safe!

Capt C. Bowman
Commanding Officer

Weekend FTX modified due to weather


This weekend has been forecasted to be wet and cold, with possible snow on Sunday. Due to this being the first FTX in 2 years, and with lack of shelter for the cadets, we are modifying what is happening this weekend.

Instead of a 2 day FTX, we are going with our contingency plan of indoor training on Saturday only. This heavily changes how we can safely run the day, as everyone will be indoors, so please see the following schedule.

FTX is now a Range Day on Saturday

We will be running indoor range (marksmanship) in cohorts by level. Please see the list below to determine when you need to be at the cadet hall. Arrive no later than your scheduled start time and be prepared to wait in your vehicle as cadets will not be permitted into the hall until their start time.

0830—1000hrs: Level 2
1000—1200hrs: Level 3
1230—1600hrs: Level 1
1600—1800hrs: Level 4

Level 5s: We are asking you to be there during the day to help (and shoot throughout the day); see Teams for details.

Other details

Dress: FTUs or civilian clothing (we will be indoors)
Bring: Health card, water bottle, proof of vaccination, completed screening, mask
Screening: Complete the screening and bring in the result (or show on your phone):

Enjoy the weekend,

Capt C. Bowman
Commanding Officer

Weekend FTX Details


Important Information

  1. This weekend marks our first Field Training Exercise (FTX) in over 2 years;
  2. This mandatory activity was announced 4 weeks to your cadets, cadets that are unable to attend are required to email to let the Officers know;
  3. All details listed below, including timing and required Kit List below;
  4. We will be both indoors and outdoors (primarily outdoors), cadets must dress for the weather or will be sent home;
  5. Cadets must eat breakfast both Saturday and Sunday morning before attending. We will have a light snack during the morning break around 900hrs). We will feed cadets both lunch and dinner on Saturday, and lunch on Sunday;
  6. When you drop your cadet off DO NOT leave, we will need all parents/guardians to sign a permission form and hand in the cadets health card; and,
  7. On Friday we will provide another update regarding weather and the weekend. We may shorten or modify the scheduled to accommodate for rainy or snowy weather.


Location: 87 LHQ
Saturday Timing: 0800 to 2000hrs (8am to 8pm)
Sunday Timing: 0815 to 1700hrs (8:15am to 5pm)
Dress: FTUs if you have them, with layers underneath for warmth
Bring: See kit list (do not forget health card)
Public Health Measures: Proof of Vaccination required, Mask, Physical Distancing, Room Limits
Emergency Contact: Lt. L Silva (
Breakfast: Eat breakfast before arrival on both days, other meals will be provided

Kit List

  1. Cadet issued FTUs (or warm civilian clothing)
  2. Wear warm clothes underneath
  3. FTU Boots (or winter boots) with warm socks
  4. Extra pair of socks
  5. Extra pair of clothes
  6. Winter jacket
  7. Travel mug for hot drinks
  8. Water bottle for cold drinks
  9. Gloves (two pairs)
  10. Toque
  11. Health card!
  12. Prescription medications (limited to a one day amount, report to office on arrival)
  13. Proof of Vaccination
  14. Mask (we have extras)
  15. Money for canteen (optional)
  16. Bag for personal kit

Any questions or concerns please reach out,

Capt C. Bowman
Commanding Officer

Tonights parade night has been moved online, FTX still on


  1. Due to rising COVID cases within the last week, we have been ordered to suspend in-person training for the time being until cases are back under control. Hopefully that will be sooner than later.

    This news is unfortunate, and yet, our recent in-person training since mid-September shows that the program is still alive and well, and that we will be in-person again soon. Do not be discouraged.
  2. This weekends FTX is still a go! We have been granted special permission to still run an in-person activity this weekend. Details below.
  3. There will be an optional, virtual parade night tonight focusing on Remembrance day. Details below.
  4. We will not be participating in Tomorrow’s Remembrance Day ceremony at the Legion. Cadets that wish instead to wear their uniforms to school must have permission from the CO. Please email to ask.

Tonights Virtual Remembrance Ceremony

All cadets are invited to join us online tonight for a virtual Remembrance Day Ceremony.

Timing: 1900–2100hrs
Dress: Civilian

This weekends FTX

This weekends FTX is still a go. Timing will be released in another update tonight, however, it is all day Saturday and Sunday. All cadets are expected to attend, and any cadet that cannot attend must email the CO (Capt Bowman with a reason.

Training will be mainly outdoors, so dressing for the weather is very important. Vaccinations will be required however, as there is an indoor component.

Remembrance Day tomorrow

Tomorrow at 11, remember to pause to take time to reflect on the contributions of the 2.3 million Canadians who have served our nation throughout its history. They have played a vital role in our freedoms, and the freedoms and safety of people all over the world.

Niagara College faculty and students from Broadcasting – Radio, Television and Film program have partnered with the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 613. They will livestream the Legion’s outdoor Remembrance Day service in Fonthill beginning at 10:45 a.m. for members of the community to view online. The ceremony will also be aired via NC’s Facebook Live.

Any other questions, please reach out.

Capt C. Bowman
Commanding Officer