Marksmanship Team is Meeting Tonight!
Despite the inclement weather, the marksmanship teams WILL be meeting tonight for their final practice before the competition. See you all at 1830 hrs.
The Cadet Program is one of the largest federally sponsored youth programs in Canada. It is a national program for young Canadians aged 12 to 18 who are interested in participating in a variety of fun, challenging and rewarding activities.
Despite the inclement weather, the marksmanship teams WILL be meeting tonight for their final practice before the competition. See you all at 1830 hrs.
Good evening Cadets! It’s movie night tonight! We ask that each cadet bring a mug with them this evening, so that they may enjoy a tasty beverage (our supply of disposable cups has temporarily run low). Hope to see you all at 6:30pm!
Parade night will be happening tonight as scheduled. Please refer to this month’s MROs for specific details. See you there!
Good morning everyone! We would like to remind you that the Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC) is hosting our monthly meeting tomorrow – Wednesday January 15, 2025 from 6pm – 7pm . The meeting will be held in our usual space – upstairs in classroom 3. All parents and volunteers are encouraged to attend the meeting as a way to actively engage in the cadet program and support of our youth!