Poinsettia and Porch Pot Fundraiser

The poinsettia and porch pot sale has returned! With the challenges of 2020, Vermeer’s Garden Centre has set up a website for our fundraiser.

1. Simply follow the link to the fundraiser website and select the products you would like to purchase: https://vermeers.ca/product-category/fundraiser/

2. When you select a product, there is a drop down menu to select the fundraiser you would like to support,  select “Welland Air Cadets”.

3. Orders can be picked up at Vermeer’s, or you can have them delivered direct to your home!

Get started: https://vermeers.ca/product-category/fundraiser/

6” Poinsettia – $9.00
10” Poinsettia  – $25.00
10” Porch Pots – $30.00

In the year of COVID-19, fundraising is challenging, but is more important than ever, to keep our program healthy for when we can get back together in person.

As always, 87 Eagle Squadron appreciates the support of our cadet families, friends, and community.

If you have any questions about the fundraiser, or need assistance with your order, contact Owen Gifford, the Squadron Sponsoring Committee Treasurer at treasurer@87eagle.ca.

Owen Gifford
Squadron Sponsoring Committee

Bacon is Back Fundraiser – Orders DUE Oct 28

The order will be placed Oct 28th, with pickup at Canadian Tire Service Dept on Oct 30th 4-9pm

This fundraiser supports WELLAND Jumpstart.

Form: Download Order Form

The Welland Air Cadets are running this fundraiser with ALL proceeds going to Jumpstart. It is important that we equally show support in times of need, and Jumpstart needs us. Covid restricts creating events that cause crowds limiting fundraising, and this is a fundraiser 87 is good at.

Your much needed support is greatly appreciated.

Please see Rob Foster at Canadian Tire in Service with your order and full payment. Cheques can be made payable to Robert Foster who is administrating this fundraiser.

Post dated cheques will be refused.

Attachment: Order Form

Fundraiser: Mabel’s Labels

The Squadron Sponsoring Committee has an exciting new fundraiser initiative, right in time for back to school! Help stop the spread of germs by labeling everything.

We are asking all cadets and families to help us fundraise by spreading the message via Social Media and/or via Email:

Support the Welland Air Cadets and label your stuff! These awesome personalized stickers are great for student lunch containers, student clothes and so many other possibilities.

Spread the word to your family and friends. All orders placed from the link below go to support us as long as you type in “87 Eagle”! Place Your Order Now!

Remember to type in “87 Eagle”. Thank you for your support!

We’ve even got a Facebook post ready for sharing:


Or share this link on Social Media: https://mabelslabels.ca/en_CA/fundraising/support/ and type in “87 Eagle”.

Thank you for your continued support,


Bacon is Back: Big Red in support of Air Cadets available now

Hi everyone,

Canadian Tire is running a Big Red Fundraiser to support our Squadron! Orders must be placed before June 22nd. Details:

  • Order must be brought to Canadian Tire Auto Service (the shop) with the funds collected BEFORE June 22nd.
  • Orders submitted with post dated cheques WILL NOT BE placed.
  • Remember to put your name and contact info at the top of the sheet to assist with pickup.
  • Orders must be picked up June 26 between 2 and 7pm at Canadian Tire Auto Service (the shop) in time for Canada Day!

Download the Order Form

Big Red is seriously delicious meat, so thank you to Canadian Tire for letting us get our bacon back!

Little Caesars Pickup Info

Message from the parent-run Squadron Sponsoring Committee:

Anyone that has Little Caesars orders for pickup:

We have been working through how to get your orders to you while keeping with current stand down orders and considering social distancing.

Unfortunately Little Caesars will not allow us to defer pickup of the orders or distribute the orders themselves. We also do not have the room to store all the orders in our freezers, so therefore we have come up with the following solution:

  1. First off, anyone that is unable due to quarantining or uncomfortable with picking up their order, we will hold them in the freezer. Please reach out to vkalenuik@gmail.com to let me know you cannot pickup your order.
  2. However, as we have limited space in the freezer, and recognizing the needs of families, pickup will take place Friday at 5:00PM sharp at the airport.
  3. When you arrive, do not get out of your vehicle. Please back in along the building and open your trunk/unlock your tailgate; an SSC member will place the order in your trunk and allow you to drive off.
  4. Cadets are not permitted to be on the premises, and cannot be in the vehicle.
  5. SSC members will be practicing hand washing, and wearing gloves while handling your orders. We suggest your wipe down your orders with government approved cleaners and wash your hands upon return to your homes; following Health Canada guidelines.

We thank everyone for their cooperation.

Vera Kalenuik
SSC Chair

Please note: Fundraisers are run solely by the parent-run Squadron Sponsoring Committee, and are not the National Cadet program or the Canadian Forces. The SSC is a not-for-profit independent organization that fundraises for our local cadets for training above and beyond that funded and run by the National Cadet program. Cadets and Canadian Forces members are not permitted to be on the premises due to the stand down orders currently in affect.