Online Ground school

CJCR HQ is conducting the National Online Ground School (OGS) for the 2024 ACNSTC (Air cadet national Selection training process). As this is a requirement for cadets to be considered for a position on either PPTC ( Power Pilot Training Course) or GPTC ( Glider pilot Training Course), if interested please talk with the Admin Officer to apply. Cadets can only register for one opportunity per TY; either Glider or Power. The deadline to submit an application for OGS is 15 Oct 23. Cadets need to confirm with and Officer which course they are interested in applying for (GPTC or PPTC) prior to the deadline, as cadets will not be allowed to switch courses after selection. No waivers will be considered for either PPTC or GPTC. If you do not attend the OGS, you will not be considered in the ACNSTC selection process and any application will be cancelled for PPTC or GPTC. In addition, if you do not complete the 45 hrs of OGS and write the qualifying exam by the deadline of 15 Jan 24 (TBC), you will not be considered in the ACNSTC selection process.

If you have any question please ask the Staff.

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