Announcement from the Squadron Sponsoring Committee

Hi to all the 87 Eagle Squadron Cadets and Families,

As our year training year is coming to a close, I wanted to thank all the cadets, cadet families, the Command officers, and the SSC members for making the 2020-2021 Training year a lot of fun, if a bit different.

Last weeks Ceremonial Review was a great presentation of the events of the past year, and for me, created a sense of optimism for the year to come.

Even as the training year comes to an end, there are still some activities and fundraising opportunities happening!

1. Yearly Dues

  • In regards to the yearly dues, I want to thank all the parents who reached out through the e-transfer system to make payments.  This method was new to 87 Eagle Squadron this year, but seemed to work very well.
  • For those still needing to make a payment, please feel free to contact me anytime by email at or by phone at 905-394-9191.

2. Wooden Tables for Sale

  • We are having a small sale at the hall of the old wooden tables.  Thanks to some generous donations (and some good old fashion horse trading), we now have a full set of new plastic folding tables for the hall.  As such, the old wooden table are for sale.
  • They are 8 foot long, plywood tables and some are in better shape than others.
  • We have around 10 tables for sale, at $15.00 each, on a first come, first pick basis.
  • All money from the sales, will be used to purchase additional tables or supplies for the hall.
  • Contact me at 905-394-991 if you would like to buy a table.

3. Pepperoni Fundraiser

  • Finally, we are having a Pepperoni Fundraiser as well.  Over the past year, we have made a “Pepperoni Run” on several occasions, and the response has been very positive.  The pepperoni, jerky, and salami all comes from Carmicheal’s Meat’s in southwestern Ontario and is fantastic quality.
  • We were hoping to have a sample night, so everyone could have a piece of the Honey Garlic Pepperoni, and get hooked before we ran the full fundraiser, but we just couldn’t wait any longer.  I can attest, that from my  * * * year old mother, to my 16 year old nephew, everyone loves the pepperoni.
  • Full details are attached, but all packages are $10 each, and orders and payments can be forwarded to Rob Foster at Canadian Tire Welland Service Centre.
  • Orders need to be in to Rob by the morning of Monday June 14, as the order needs to be placed before 11:00 am.
  • Pick up will be on Friday June 17 at 4 – 7:00 pm.

Thanks again to all the cadets and families for making this training season a great one!  Looking forward to more great times ahead.

Owen Gifford
87 Eagle Squadron
Welland Air Cadets

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