Cadet Survey

87 Squadron has been asked to take part in a survey on the cadet program. Every cadet in the squadron no matter what level they are in are asked to take the time and complete it. The survey is to be completed by 30 May 2014. It can be found at the following link,

Please use Internet Explorer as the link will not work in any other web browser.

Marksmanship Training Day – January 4, 2014

Our Annual Marksmanship Training Day is on Saturday January 4, 2014 at 900 hrs to 17:00 hrs at the cadet hall.

This training day is mandatory, and all cadets are expected to be in attendance. Please eat breakfast in the morning. Lunch will be provided.

Instructors: if you are unable to attend please notify myself, OCdt Bowman, as soon as possible.

I hope everyone has an awesome Christmas/Holidays and a happy New Year.

– OCdt Bowman

Drill Team

Drill team will begin practice on 28 Oct 13 1830hrs-2030hrs. Wear appropriate civilian clothing and your parade boots.

Poppy Sales in Support of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 4

The Squadron will be assisting the Legion with it’s annual Poppy Sales. Cadets that have signed up to help are to meet at BR4 Royal Canadian Legion on Morningstar Avenue at least 2o minutes before times listed. Dates and times are as follows,

Thursday 7 November 18:00 – 21:00 (6pm – 9pm)

Friday 8 November 18:00 – 21:00 (6pm – 9pm)

Saturday 9 November 09:00 – 17:00 (9am – 5pm)

Saturday shifts will be four hours in length.

Remembrance Day Parade

The Squadron will be participating in the Remembrance Day Parade being held Sunday November 3. All cadets are asked to meet Chippewa Park on First Street in Welland by 12:30. Parade will finish at approximately 14:00(2PM). Please be sure to drink fluids and have something small to eat beforehand. Please be sure to dress for the weather, plain black gloves will be permitted to be worn.