Summer CTC Cadets / Uniform Exchange this Wednesday

For the Cadets who ARE attending Summer CTC’s Training.

Try on your UNIFORMS today & tomorrow and if anything needs exchanging, I will make myself available at the Cadet Hall this Wednesday (July 3rd) from 6PM – 8PM.

Just show up with the items that you need exchanged and I will be happy to get you sorted out so you are comfortable at your CTC’s this summer.

Regards, 2Lt Carter

First Aid Team Tonight – Last One

Reminder to all First Aid Team members, this evening is our final training night from 1830 – 2000 hrs.

We won’t be training as such, but rather taking the opportunity to look back at your successes, debrief what you liked, and discuss what you’d like to see done differently with the program when we start back up in October.

As a “thank you” for your commitment to the team over the course of the year we will be bringing light refreshments and snacks for everyone. Think of it as a “social” After Action meeting.

We really hope to see every team member out tonight.

Safe Keeping, 2Lt Carter

St John Ambulance Provincial First Aid Competition

Saturday, May 11th, 2024 from 0700 – 1800 hours (7:00AM – 6:00PM).
Fire and Emergency Services Training Institute located at 2025 Courtney Park Dr, Mississauga, ON

1 of our First Aid Teams qualified at the Zone Competition in March to attend the Provincial First Aid Competition.  This is an exciting opportunity for our FA Team to showcase their skills, and two other cadets will be attending to be casualties for this province wide competition.

You can read more about this 100+ year old Provincial First Aid Competition at OMFRC.

Congratulation and Good Luck to our FA Team this coming weekend!

First Aid Team Reminder

CONGRATULATIONS to all First Aid Team members who competed in this past weekend at the St John Ambulance ~ Ontario Medical First Response Zone Competition, and THANK YOU to all Cadets who volunteered to be casualties.

REMINDER that the entire First Aid Team is now on a well earned 2 WEEK BREAK.

Our NEXT Training Night is after March Break on MONDAY, MARCH 18TH!

Enjoy you “downtime”, when we regroup in 2 weeks, we will start the planning for your “Dynamic Display” at our upcoming Annual Cadet Review in May, which every team member will be part of! This is your opportunity to show your families all the new skills you’ve learned since this year.

“CONGRATULATION” again, we are all proud of each of you.

Yours in Safety, 2Lt Carter